
I am a third-year Ph.D. student in College of Information Sciences and Technology at Pennsylvania State University. I mostly participate in research related to natural language processing. Specifically, I have experience in question answering, machine translation, and dialogue state tracking. My other research interests include machine learning, artificial intelligence, privacy, and data science.

I am currently a research assistant in the Human Language Technologies Lab led by Dr. Shomir Wilson. My research aims to make privacy policies more approachable to the general public. I am working on automatically collecting question-answer pairs from privacy policies and publishing the largest privacy question-answering corpus to date.

I received my M.S. in Computer Science and Engineering at Pennsylvania State University. I also received my B.S. (magna cum laude) in Computer Science with a minor in Psychology at Pennsylvania State University.


May 2023: I passed my qualifying exam! I finished the first milestone of my Ph.D. program.

November 2020: Saptarashmi Bandyopadhyay and I presented our paper Natural Language Response Generation from SQL with Generalization and Back-translation at the EMNLP 2020 Virtual Conference, Workshop on Interactive and Executable Semantic Parsing. Here is the recording.

September 2020: Our paper Natural Language Response Generation from SQL with Generalization and Back-translation was accepted in Proceedings of the First Workshop on Interactive and Executable Semantic Parsing at EMNLP 2020!